Polaris Holding Company Chairman Cheryl Hayward-Chew recently presented $10,000 in education awards to four students headed to university this month.
A spokesperson said, “The annual $10,000 Polaris Holding Company Education Award [PHCEA] was set up to assist student-dependents of Stevedoring Services employees with funds for their tertiary level education.
“However in March 2019, Polaris acquired East End Asphalt Company Limited and the children of employees from the paving company also became eligible for the education award. This year the fund was shared equally between Tahj Cox, Zed Scott, Etteleon Burchall and Donnalyn Smith.”
“Chairman Hayward-Chew met with the 2019 PHCEA Awardees and their parents for the award presentation and shared the board’s pleasure at being able to support the student’s in their academic pursuits. The awardees shared their college experiences and aspirations alongside their parents.”
Ms. Hayward-Chew said, “With East End Asphalt joining Stevedoring Services Limited and the Polaris family, we are delighted to be able to include them in the pool of education awards for the first time this year.”
A spokesperson said, “She explained to the recipients that the PHCEA Award programme represents the company’s commitment to support the team of staff and their families across the group of companies.”
2019 PHCEA Awardee Profiles
“Donnalyn Smith is the daughter of Lyndon Smith, a twenty-five year employee of Polaris subsidiary, East End Asphalt. She received $2,500 from Polaris towards her studies. Donnalyn is a first-year student in the nursing programme at the University of the West of England – Bristol.
“When asked what led her to pursue studies in the field of healthcare, she explained that a stint as a volunteer at the King Edward Hospital at age fourteen stoked her passion for nursing.”
Ms. Smith said, “I loved it and I can’t see myself doing anything else.” Her father, Lyndon shared his appreciation for the cash infusion, “The Polaris Education Award really helps us out. The funds will get us through some sticky wickets.”
A spokesperson said, “Zed Scott, who is a multi-year recipient of the annual PHCEA, is the son of Stevedore, Otis Minors. Zed enters his final year studying kinesiology at the University if Texas at Arlington.”